"Oğuz Sarvan'a ilet, onun anasını sikeyim." Beşiktaş Jimnastik Kulübü Başkanı Yıldırım Demirören (Ya da Milangaz-Likidgaz Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Tüpçü Yıldo.)
Hello, we will see if Yildirim takes any decision cause it is not normal that the team did not win any game played against a top team this season. Regards, http://saqueneutral.blogspot.com/ (a blog about sport in English and Español)
@ Juan y Fer, i am not sure if he will do anything except talking shit about the refs. Everybody is sick of him, even the opposition fans, including me. Turkish soccer should get rid of all the Yıldırıms. Aziz and Demirören.
4 yorum:
sanırım ekşisözlükte okumuştum..Yazarın biri Beşiktaşlı duruşunu şöyle tanımlamış:
"Yıldırım Demirörenden sonra doggy style olmuş duruş"...Hakkatende öyle oldu...
we will see if Yildirim takes any decision cause it is not normal that the team did not win any game played against a top team this season.
(a blog about sport in English and Español)
Zaten Seba'dan sonra bir duruş varmıydı ?. Bir duruş olsa bile ne kadar dik bir duruştu ?.
@ Juan y Fer,
i am not sure if he will do anything except talking shit about the refs. Everybody is sick of him, even the opposition fans, including me. Turkish soccer should get rid of all the Yıldırıms. Aziz and Demirören.
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